Digital Media & Publications


As MASK Architects we are proud to take a place on world press with more than 9 different languages in 28 Countries, more than 2 million shares on social media !

Let’s see what we have done!



Exosteel “Mother Nature” Modular Prefabricated Living Museum Houses


2021 I Designboom

modular prefabricated steel houses in sardinia reference the work of constantino nivola

2021 I Stamparein3d in Italian

Madre Natura di Mask Architects in Exosteel a Orani in Sardegna

2021 I Wired Italy

Dagli esoscheleltri agli ufo, quando le case prefabbricate diventano pezzi di design

2021 I businessinsider in Spanish

Autosuficientes, sin escaleras y con forma de mariposa: las alucinantes casas modulares de acero impresas en 3D en Cerdeña

2021 I Construction Bussiness

MASK Architects has designed the world’s first steel 3D printed structure of modular houses

2021 I Architecturesstyle 

World’s First Exosteel Modular- Prefabricated Living Houses by MASK Architects in Sardinia

2021 I Mimarizm in Turkish

MASK Architects, Sardinya’nın Orani kentinde yer alan Nivola Müzesi için, “Tabiat Ana” , “Exosteel Modüler Prefabrik Yaşam Müzesi Evleri” adında, çelik 3D baskılı modüler ev yapısı tasarladı.

2021 I 3dprintingindustry

Sardinian architecture and design firm MASK Architects has designed what it claims is the world’s first steel 3D printed collection of modular houses in the city of Orani, Sardinia.

2021 I Aasarchitecture 

Exosteel Mother Nature by MASK Architects

2021 I Yankoo Design


2021 I IEEE Future Direction

3D printed functional pieces of art

2021 I Designtaxi

These ‘Butterflies’ Are The First 3D-Printed Exosteel Homes, Hills Are ‘Stairs’

2021 I Globochannel in Spanish

Queste case modulari prefabbricate potrebbero essere  

2021 I all3dp

3D Printing-Enabled Sustainable Architecture

2021 I  Industrytap

MASK Architects Designed the World’s First Houses with ‘3D-Printed Steel Exoskeleton’

2021 I 3dprintingprogress

3D Printed Modular Houses with Steel Exoskeleton

2021 I wonderfulengineering

These Amazing New Houses Have Been Constructed With A 3D-Printed Steel Exoskeleton

2021 I Archello

Exosteel Mother Nature Modular Prefabricated Living Museum Houses

2021 I 3dnatives  in Spanish

MASK Architects imagine des structures auto-durables imprimées en 3D

2021 I

These modular prefab homes could be the world’s first to use a steel 3D-printed “exoskeleton” construction system!

2021 I Ecoinventos in Spanish

Estas casas modulares prefabricadas podrían ser las primeras en usar un «exoesqueleto» de acero impreso en 3D

2021 I Interestingengineering

Architects Design World’s First Houses With ‘3D-Printed Steel Exoskeleton’

2021 I 3d-grenzenlos in German

Auf Sardinien sollen mit 3D-Druck Häuser aus Stahl entstehen

2021 I ekoyapidergisi in Turkish

MASK Architects , Sardinya’nın Orani kentinde Nivola Müzesi’nin ziyaretçi, turist ve sanatçıları için dünyanın ilk çelik 3D baskılı modüler ev yapısını tasarladı.

2021 I Building-tech in Russian

Компания MASK Architects спроектировала первую в мире стальную 3D-печатную конструкцию модульных автономных домов

2021 I Mohou in Chinese


2021 I Esquire in Spanish

El futurista museo-vecindario de casas prefabricadas en Cerdeña

2021 I World Architecture Community 

MASK Architects Designs World’s First Exosteel Modular Prefabricated Living Houses In Sardinia

2021 I Archinect 

MASK Architects has designed the world’s first steel 3D printed structure of modular houses for Nivola Museum’s

2021 I World-technews

Mask Architects designs a cavernous villa in Sardinia

2021 I ArchiSCENE 

Discover the Exosteel “Mother Nature” Modular Prefabricated Living Museum Houses designed by MASK Architects

2021 I rinnovabili in Italian

Exosteel: i primi moduli in acciaio stampato in 3D prendono vita in Sardegna

2021 I e-Architect

Exosteel Mother Nature in Sardinia

2021 I Oxak

These modular prefab homes could be the world’s first to use a steel 3D-printed “exoskeleton” construction system!

2021 I Surfacesreporter 

Exosteel Mother Nature Modular Prefabricated Living Museum

2021 I Hhlloo in Chinese

MASK建筑事务所为撒丁岛奥拉尼的尼沃拉博物馆的游客、旅游者和艺术家设计了世界上第一个钢制3D打印结构的模块化房屋。首席建筑师Öznur Pınar Çer和设计师Danilo PETTA从 “Costantino Nivola “的作品中获得灵感,他们设计了 “Exosteel Mother Nature”模块化房屋

2021 I Mooool in Chinese

Mask Architects 为撒丁岛城奥拉尼的游客、艺术家以及尼沃拉博物馆的参观者们设计了世界上首个钢制3D打印的模块化房屋结构,项目设计师Öznur Pınar Çer和Danilo Petta受到艺术家Costantino Nivola作品的启发,并从其雕塑作品“La Madre”中获得灵感,进而设计了名为“外钢化的大自然(Exosteel Mother Nature)”的模块化房屋。

2021 I Stir World in Indian

MASK Architects uses ‘Exosteel’ to create modular prefabricated houses in Italy

2021 I Lifeboat

MASK Architects designed the world’s first steel 3D printed structure of modular houses in Orani, Sardinia, Italy

2021 I Archidiaries 

Exosteel Mother Nature, “Modular Prefabricated Houses” | MASK Architects

2021 I Trendhunter

Mask Architects Redefine Living in New Project Development

2021 I Amchronicle

3D Printed Modular Houses with Steel Exoskeleton

2021 I

Architects design houses with “3D-printed steel exoskeleton”

2021 I Unlands in Chinese


2021 I  tdicolombia in Spanish

Estas casas modulares prefabricadas podrían ser las primeras en usar un “exoesqueleto” de acero impreso en 3D

2021 I in Chinese

全球首个3D 打印外骨骼模块化房屋,打造人类未来居住社区



“Villa G01” new generation Luxury Villa design project


2021 I Science & Vie  in France 


Mask Architects designs a cavernous luxury villa in Sardinia

2021 I Tile Park  in Chinese


2021 I collater.aI   in Italian

Villa G01, la villa di lusso in Sardegna a due passi dalla spiaggia

2020 Golden Trezzini Awards Honourable Mention: Seoul Photographic Art Museum

Mask Architects international bureau was presented an Honourable Mention certificate last year for their project of a new museum in Korea.

2021 I Hhlloo in Chinese

土耳其建筑师Öznur Pınar ÇER和意大利设计师Danilo PETTA是Mask建筑事务所的创始人,他们设计的 “Villa G01″独特的豪华别墅,拥有全景海景,位于北撒丁岛最独特的地区之

2021 I Stir World in Indian

Mask Architects envisions an alabaster white, organic Villa G01 in Sardinia, Italy

2021 I Designboom  

MASK architects weave organic villa design into the natural landscape of Sardinia

2021 I CASACOR in Portuguese

Mask Arquitetos projetam uma vila orgânica na paisagem natural de Sardenha

2021 I aasarchitecture 

Villa G01 by Mask Architects

2021 I Tuvie 

Villa G01 Luxury Villa Looks Like a Modern Rock House

2021 I World Architecture Community 

Mask Architects Designs Curvaceous Luxury Villa Nestled In Lush Vegetation Of Northern Sardinia

2021 I Architect Magazine 

2021 I Archidiaries 

Öznur Pınar ÇER and Danilo PETTA, the founders of Mask Architects designed the “Villa G01” “Rock and Cave” special, unique luxury villa with panoramic sea view, located in one of the most exclusive areas of Northern Sardinia. 

2021 I ARCH2O 

The villa designed by them is re-characterized harmoniously with the existing local architecture style using environmental opportunities.

2021 I Visual Atelier 8  

Luxury Of Villa G01’s Panoramic View By Mask Architects

2021 I ArchiSCENE 

Villa G01 by Mask Architects 

2021 I Archinect 

“Villa G01” New Generation Luxury Villa

2021 I e-architect 

Villa G01 in Sardinia

2021 I Amazing Architecture  

“Villa G01” New Generation Luxury Villa in Northern Sardinia, Italy by Mask Architects

2020 I Archdaily  in Portuguese

Mask Architects projeta estações de resfriamento para ilha de calor em Abu Dhabi

2021 I 10.aeccafe 

“Villa G01” New Generation Luxury Villa in Sardinia, Italy by Mask Architects

2021 I Architect Magazine 



Cool Abu Dhabi Challenge Winner Project


2020 I Designboom 

2020 I Designboom “Palm leaf canopies form ‘Oasys+System’ outdoor refuge within Abu Dhabi urban fabric”

2020 I Archdaily in Chinese

2020 I Archdaily “Mask Architects ‘阿布扎比城市休息站’方案,缓解热岛效应”

2020 I Rassegnastampa in Italian

Lo studio di architettura Mask Architects ha rivelato il suo progetto vincente per il concorso “Cool Abu Dhabi Challenge”

2020 I Blogambiental in Italian

Os arquitetos imaginam um oásis superabundante com virilidade solar para refrescar Abu Dhabi

2020 I Re-Thinkingthefuture 

Cooling Stations for Abu Dhabi’s Urban Heat Island designed by Mask Architects

2020 I Archiecho 

Mask Architects Design Cooling Stations for Abu Dhabi’s Urban Heat Island

2020 I Betadeals

Architects envision a lush, solar-powered oasis to cool Abu Dhabi

2020 I Visual Atelier 8  

‘The Oasys’ is our answer to Cooling Down Abu Dhabi

2020 I Infobuildenergia in Italian

Oasys: l’idea creativa per affrontare I cambiamenti climatici

2020 I Fun.Arch 

Mask Architects Reveal Their Winning Design Cooling Stations for Abu Dhabi’s Urban Heat Island

2020 I Surfacesreporter 

Oasys a real oasis amidst the busy streets of metropolis mask architects Abu Dhabi

2020 I Inaratrenddesign 

Cool Abu Dhabi Challenge | Oasys+System by Mask Architects

2020 I Techtoptu 

Architects envision a lush, solar-powered oasis to cool Abu Dhabi

2020 I Arch20  


2020 I Archinect 

Mask Architects Reveals Its Winning Design For Cool Abu Dhabi Challenge Competition

2020 I Designzzz 

Mask Architects Are Pushing Boundaries with Their Futuristic Creations

2020 I in Italian

Oasys si presenta come una piccola foresta, dove alberi ed elementi naturali si intrecciano con elementi artificiali modulari

2020 I Designglob 


2020 I Yuanlinge in Chinese


2020 I in Slovenian

Se bodo v Abu Dabiju »hladili« s solarno oazo?

2020 I Parametric Architecture 

The Misty Oasys: Cool Down Under the Mushroom Canopies

2020 I Planetcustodian

“The Oasys” Breathing Palm System to Combat Warming Abu Dhabi Climate

2020 I Futuroprossimo in Italian

Oasys, oasi ad energia solare per rinfrescare Abu Dhabi

2020 I Inhabitat  

2020 I INHABITAT “Architects envision a lush, solar-powered oasis to cool Abu Dhabi”

2020 I World Architecture Community 

2020I World Architecture “Mask Architects Reveals Its Winning Design For Cool Abu Dhabi Challenge Competition”

2020 I Departures 

2020 I departures “Space Age Palm Tree Design Proposed in Abu Dhabi to Combat Climate Change”

2020 I Archdaily 

2020 I Archdaily “Mask Architects Design Cooling Stations for Abu Dhabi’s Urban Heat Island”

2020 I Collater ai in Italian

Oasys, a green and artificial oasis for Abu Dhabi

2020 I Designoodles 

Mask Architect Designs Artificial Palm Oasys In Abu Dhabi

2020 I Design.fanpage in Italian

Oasys, l’oasi di palme artificiali nel centro di Abu Dhabi

2020 I Aasarchitecture 

OASYS + SYSTEM by Mask Architects

2020 I Amazing Architecture in Chinese

Cool Abu Dhabi Challenge: Oasys+System by Mask Architects

2021 I Architect Magazine


Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture


2020 I Cumhuriyet Gazetesi “Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture” 

İtalya’da yaşayan Türk tasarımcı Öznur Pınar Çer ve ortağı Danilo Petta tarafından tasarlanan “Sonsuzluk Boşluğu + Zamansız Kinetik” adlı çalışma sergileneceği şehri arıyor.

2020 I Design Middle East “Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture” 

Check out the sculpture by Mask Architects for an ambitious project in Mexico City

2020 I Aasarchitecture “Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture” 

Mask Architects developed a proposal for a public artwork to be located in Nuevo Polanco, Mexico City ” Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture” has been selected one of 5 finalists 

2020 I Dataidedesign “Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture”

A mesmerizing public art installation uses kinetic energy to mimic a visual representation of space and time

 2021 I Designzzz “Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture”

Mask Architects Are Pushing Boundaries with Their Futuristic Creations

2021 I Archello “Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture”

” Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture” is the first spiral interactive movement and rotated lattice loop structure in the world which has filled  rotatable kinetic art panels.

2020 I Frame “Hole Zero+Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture “

” Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture” is the first spiral interactive movement and rotated lattice loop structure in the world which has filled rotatable kinetic art panels.

2020 I  Yapi Dergisi “Hole Zero+Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture” in Turkish

Mask Architects’ten Öznur Pınar Çer ve Danilo Petta tarafından tasarlanan, çevresel veriler ve insan davranışları ile etkileşimli, 360 derece döndürülebilen kinetik paneller ile çevrelenmiş “Sonsuzluk Boşluğu + Zamansız Kinetik”, Public Art Piece in Mexico City yarışmasında finale kaldı.

2020 I Bi-Ozet “Hole Zero+Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture” in Turkish

(Mask Architects)’in Projesi “PUBLIC ARTWORK in Mexico City” Yarışmasında Finalde!

2020 I Mimarizm “Hole Zero+Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture” in Turkish

Mask Architects’in Public Art Piece in Mexico City yarışmasında finale kalan “Sonsuzluk Boşluğu + Zamansız Kinetik” adlı projesi, dünyanın ilk döndürülmüş helezonik kafes yapısı olma özelliğini taşıyor.

2020 I Arkitera “Hole Zero+Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture” in Turkish

Mask Architects, Massiv Art ve MIRA tarafından düzenlenen Public Artwork in Mexico City yarışmasında “Sonsuzluk Boşluğu + Zamansız Kinetik” sanat yapıtı ile 340 uluslararası tasarımcı ve artist arasından 5 finalistten biri olmaya hak kazandı.

2020I Amazing Architecture “Hole Zero+Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture” in Turkish

Mask Architects developed a proposal for a public artwork to be located in Nuevo Polanco, Mexico City ” Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture” has been selected as one of 5 finalists among 340 international projects and Artist for MassivArt and MIRA investment and real estate development company in Mexico.

2021 I Architect Magazine “Hole Zero+Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture”


‘I-Breathe Just’ is an adjustable apparatus that doubles the use of a single oxygen mask


2020 I  Corriere Della Sera  “Breathe-Just”  in Italian


2020 I Architect Magazine “Breathe-Just”

2020 I Arti Tv  “Breathe-Just” Aparatinin Tanitimi Canli Yayin 

Oznur Pinar Cer Arti Tv”nin canli yayin konugu olarak “Sadece Nefes al Aparatini ve Kontrol Sistemini Tanitti.

2020 I Azure Magazine “Breathe-Just” 

Mask Architects Devise Emergency Medical Apparatus

2020 I TraMe&Tech “Breathe-Just” in Italian

Breathe-Just: il dispositivo d’emergenza tech per le terapie intensive

2020 I Archiproducts “Breathe-Just” in Italian

Breathe-Just. Io respiro, tu respiri

2020 I Aasarchitecture “Breathe-Just”

“Breathe-Just” Adjustable Apparatus by Mask Architects for COVID-19 critical cases

2020 I Sözcü Newspaper “Breathe-Just”

Covıd-19 için umut verici proje

2020 I Cumhuriyet Newspaper “Breathe-Just”

Bir oksijen makinesinden iki hasta aynı anda yararlanabilecek.

2020 I Mimarizm “Breathe-Just” 

COVID-19 Hastaları için Tasarım Önerisi: Breathe Just

2020 I Archinect “Breathe-Just” 

“Breathe-Just” Adjustable Apparatus that doubles the use of a single oxygen machine

2020 I Designboom “Breathe-Just” 

‘breathe just’ is an adjustable apparatus that doubles the use of a single oxygen mask

2020 I  Cumhuriyet Daily Newspaper “Breathe-Just” 

Sadece nefes al

2020 I Yeni Düzen “Covid Icin Onemli Adim” in Turkish

 GNC Talks ” Covid Icin Onemli Adim”

2020 I Haber Kibris “Covid Icin Onemli Adim” in Turkish

Covid-19 için önemli bir adım

2020 I Halkin Sesi ” GNC Talks ” in Turkish

“Covid-19 icin önemli bir adim”

2020 I Kibris Postasi “Oznur Pinar Cer ,Gnc Talks ” in Cyprus

UKÜ Mezunu dünyaca tanınmış mimar Öznur Pınar Çer tecrübelerini gençlerle paylaştı.  



Astronomia Sky


2020 I D-Art “Astronomia Sky” in Italian

“Astronomia Sky “

2020 I Economy Mag ” Intervista a Danilo Petta, Watch Designer “

Con l’orologio Astronomia Sky di Jacob&Co

2020 I L´Orologio, “Astronomia Sky” in Italian

Un designer italiano sul podio del premio IAA Muse Design Awards 2020 nella categoria orologi

2020 I TGCOM24, “Astronomia Sky” in Italian

IAA Muse Design Awards 2020: vince il luxury & watch designer Danilo Petta

2020 I  TGCOM24 “Astronomia Sky” in Italian

Danilo Petta, Luxury & Watch Designer: intervista esclusiva per il



Seoul Art and Photographic Museum


2019 I Designboom “Seoul Art and Photographic Museum”

MASK architects place a massive camera atop their seoul photographic art museum proposal

2020 I Archinect “Seoul Art and Photographic Museum”

The First Art and Photography Museum in the World Which Has Taken a Picture by Itself!

2020 I Aasarchitecture “Seoul Art and Photographic Museum”

First Photographic Art Museum in the world which has taken a picture by itself by MASK Architects

2020 I Mimarizm “Seoul Art and Photographic Museum” in Turkish

Camera Obscura Fotoğraf ve Sanat Müzesi

2019 I Arkitera  “Seoul Art and Photographic Museum” in Turkish

Seoul Photographic Art Museum Design Competition

2019 I Axis Magazine “Seoul Art and Photographic Museum” in Japanese


2019 I Amazing Architecture “Seoul Art and Photographic Museum”

The first art and photography museum in the world which has taken a picture by itself

2021 Archidiaries ” Seoul Photographic Art Museum ” 

Seoul Photographic Art Museum | MASK Architects



Leaf and Bean Pavilion


2021 I Mooool  “Leaf and Bean Pavilion ” 

Leaf and Bean Pavillion by Mask Architects

2021 I Aasarchitecture “Leaf and Bean Pavilion “

Leaf & Bean Coffee Co by Mask Architects

2021 I Archidiaries “Leaf and Bean Pavilion “

Leaf and Bean Coffee Co. Pavilion | Mask Architects

2019 I “Leaf and Bean Pavilion “
MASK Architects design a sustainable pavilion nestled in a German forest

2019 I “Leaf and Bean Pavilion “
Leaf and Bean Coffee Co Pavilion

2019 I Architecture Magazine “Leaf and Bean Pavilion ”
Leaf and Bean Coffee Co Pavilion

2019 I Architizer “Leaf and Bean Pavilion ”
Leaf and Bean Coffee Co Pavilion

2019 I “Leaf and Bean Pavilion ”
MASK Architects design a sustainable pavilion nestled in a German forest



Spray Foam Habitat on Mars


2019 I Spray Foam Magazine  “Spray Foam Habitat on Mars”

Building Life on MARS

2019 I Architecture Magazine, June 20
Spray foam habitat on Mars will build by semi-autonomous drone

2019 I Archinet, November 21
Spray foam habitat on Mars will build by semi-autonomous drone



Kırşehir Automobile & Aeroplane Museum


2018 I World Architecture Community “Kırşehir Aeroplane and Automobile Museum”
Kırşehir Aeroplane & Automobile Museum

2019 I Architecture Magazine “Kırşehir Aeroplane and Automobile Museum”

Turkish Architect Öznur Pınar Çer’s firm MASK Architects designed Kırşehir Aeroplane and Automobile Museum project has won the World Architecture Community Awards 29th cycle competition both in the designed category selected by the votes of honorary members and community member award



MIMED 2013 & Prosteel 2014


2014 I CIU News, May 07

2014 I Mimdap, April 14
Prosteel 2014 Yarışması sonuçlandı.

2014 I Tribeca, May 10
Prosteel 2014 sonuçları belli oldu

2013 I Mimed 2013, November 16
Mimed 2013 First Prize 

2013 I CIU News, November 06